Wednesday, February 6, 2019

US Sting Operation fake university - Need to have listing of all institutes which can enroll international students

While many Indian students study abroad and this number is growing day by day. While the data on the number of students from India studying abroad is not accurate however the government in the year 2017 has released this data in answer to the question in Lok Sabha raised by one member. 

Please click here to see the report 

According to this reply in the Lok Sabha and as per the government data (2017)  its estimated that almost 5.53 lakh Indian students are studying in 86 countries.  Plus as per this document almost 206708 Indian students are studying in the USA out of the 553440 Indian students studying abroad, the highest for any country.

While USA is the top and favorite destination for Indian students and students are attracted by the the top ranking universities with excellent infrastructure and its believed that US degrees offer them great exposure and get them into a rewarding career. The Optional Practical Training (OPT) and Curricular Practical Training (CPT) available to international students is the major attraction.

But the current issue in USA about the fake university and undercover operations to find illegal students who are involved in the "pay to stay" scam is on every one’s mind. Prospective students and parents are confused with the ongoing press and media reports daily. It’s being told that many Indian students (almost 130) have been arrested or being asked to leave the country for breaching the student visa (F1) conditions and termed as illegal students. Its also told than another 500 students enrolled in other such fake universities have received notices. This time the Department of Homeland Security conducted an  undercover operation of creating a fake university and enrolling students in this has led to the current happenings. Some argue that the students were not aware that the university they have enrolled is fake and such claims go on.
Here are some links to this story

While they say that U.S. Department of Education has taken numerous steps to strengthen their accreditation system for education providers but still I think it has quite a few loop holes.

In the past few years we have seen students enrolled at Tri Valley University, University of Northern Jersey, University of Northern Virginia, Northwestern Polytechnic University and few others being sent back and their visas cancelled. These fake universities were attracting students promising all goodies like CPT from Day 1 and encouraging students to enroll. 

Almost all such universities were owned by American citizens who knew how to con the students with . In the first place why permit them to set up such fake colleges? Next was there no audit system to monitor their enrollments and course quality that was delivered.

The fact is that in USA there is NO legal registry of courses and education providers (colleges, universities) that can be enroll international students 

In India we have the University Grants Commission (UGC) which very clearly on their website lists all recognized universities both public and private plus also rates them. The website also has the list of fake universities operating in India with a warning to students not to enroll in such institutes. .( 

While most other countries have such information on public domain and easy for anyone to access this information and understand but its MISSING with the United States or confusing. 

The US government must work on a similar model to the Australia or even New Zealand and learn from them.

While in Australia there are some really excellent legislations in this area. The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) is a register of Australian education providers that recruit, enrol and teach overseas students. It’s a strict regulation that education institutions can only enrol and deliver education services to international students in Australia on a student visa if they are registered on the CRICOS.  In addition to this all Education Registered providers must have met, and continue to meet, the requirements of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) and National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007 (National Code).

Such strict governments acts or publicly available information is missing with USA  and various departments and it’s also believed that their audit system has enough flaws. 

I must congratulate both Australia and New Zealand governments to have such transparent and good legislation which benefit both all parties including the students,  government agencies and education providers. Having such good legislation's such as ESOS Act and CRICOS will definitely protect the rights of the international students and all involved. The way its implemented is also very well structured. 

In USA there are some associations like AIRC which are non-profit and work for the betterment of the international education industry, at least they must have some information on their websites about these fake or good universities and pass it on to their agency members.

Students must be educated on such fraud and to follow the right protocols instead of such “sting operations”.   

While I am totally aware that the intent of the students enrolled in such fake universities is wrong and they must face the action. However we must also consider the fact that they were encouraged by American citizens to pay tuition fee, luring them with goodies such as no need to classes, earn credits and make progress for actual degree. Yes it’s a “pay to stay” scam but how can such be avoided in future? 

1 comment:

  1. Nishi Sir, are the students going to be released ?
